We’re old-school adventures who refuse to apologize for our brash attitudes and our rugged spirit. We’re fighters, entrepreneurs, free spirits, and hard chargers. We relish in adversity because that gives us a chance to adapt, to overcome it. We understand that we’ll never beat Mother Nature, but we’ll give her doubts.
We’ve toiled in the rain and slept in the mud. We take three shots when two will do. There’s no mountain too tall, no desert too dry, no forest too dense. We’ve shot bears, been chased by bees, and bitten by snakes…and we’re still here.

We believe in the call of the wild. We believe the harder it is the better it is. We trust our gear, not the weather. We believe that meat tastes better if you kill it yourself and carry it off the mountain. We do squats so we don’t have to count ounces. We believe that nobody cares, work harder. We believe in term limits. That beer should be made by Germans. Davy Crocket was a hero and Greta Thunberg is a fraud. We believe a life of excess is created by a life of hardships. An easy life is rarely a good life. There should be no such thing as magazine capacity, and wet wipes will save your ass.
We weren’t born this way, we scratched and clawed our way through deserts, forests, mountains, and urban jungles. We stumbled, we fell, we failed…but we got back up and kept marching. We know the journey ends one day so we might as well make the best of it while we’re here…because no great story ever began with, “So I was sitting on my couch…”
We make no excuses for who we are or what we believe.
We Are City Slicker Outdoors.